LaserWriter: PageMaker 4.2 Uses PPD, Not APD Files (8/95)

There's a problem printing Aldus PageMaker 4.0 documents to a LaserWriter. Any suggestions?

To print publications, Aldus PageMaker 4.2 uses PostScript Printer Description files (PPD files) in much the same way as earlier versions of PageMaker used Aldus Printer Description (APD files). PageMaker 4.2 doesn't use APD files. Therefore, when you open a PageMaker 4.0 or 4.0.1 publication in PageMaker 4.2, you must choose Print╔ to specify a new printer (by selecting a PPD). When you first choose Print╔ you will receive an error message indicating that PageMaker failed to find a PPD. The message is misleading:

* First, the PPD it refers to corresponds to the APD you last specified in
the 4.0 or 4.0.1 publication
* Second, it implies that it searched and didn't find the PPD in the PPDs
folder when this is not actually the case.

Simply click Continue, to open the Print dialog box. Choose the PPD you want from the Printer type pop-up menu.

It's a good idea to save the publication after selecting the PPD, otherwise you'll get the message each time you print.

NOTE: When you open a PageMaker 4.2 publication in PageMaker 4.0 or 4.0.1, you must open the Print dialog box and select an APD.

The following is a list of PPD files shipped with PageMaker 4.2 for Apple printers:

Apple LaserWriter IIf v2010.113
Apple LaserWriter IIg v2010.113
Apple LaserWriter v23.0
Apple LaserWriter Plus v38.0
Apple LaserWriter Plus v42.2
Apple LaserWriter IINTX v47.0
Apple LaserWriter IINTX v51.8
Apple LaserWriter IINT v47.0
LaserWriter Personal NT v51.8

The following is a list of PostScript versions from the Tech Info Library article, "Postscript: Versions in LaserWriter ROMs."

Revision #
Displayed on ROM PostScript
Printer Test Print Size Version
LaserWriter 1.0 256K 23.0
LaserWriter 2.0 512K 38.0
LaserWriter Plus 2.0 512K 38.0
LaserWriter Plus 3.0 512K 47.0
LaserWriter IINT 1.0 1MB 47.0
LaserWriter IINTX 1.0 1MB 47.0
LaserWriter IINTX 3.0 1MB 51.8
Personal LaserWriter NT 1.0 1MB 51.8
LaserWriter IIf 1.0 2MB 2010.113
LaserWriter IIg 1.0 2MB 2010.113
Personal LaserWriter NTR 1.0 2MB 2010.129

The LaserWriter Plus with revision 3.0 ROMs reports back that it has PostScript version 42.2. This is an error in revision 3.0 ROMs. PostScript version 47.0 is the actual version in the revision 3.0 ROMs.

The LaserWriter IIf, LaserWriter IIg, and Personal LaserWriter NTR have PostScript Level 2 in ROM. All other LaserWriter printers have PostScript Level 1 in ROM.

This article provides information about a non-Apple product. Apple Computer, Inc. is not responsible for its content. Please contact the vendor for additional information.

The Tech Info Library article titled "Locating Vendor Information" can help you search for a particular vendor's address and phone number.

Article Change History:
22 Aug 1995 - Made minor corrections.
11 Nov 1992 - Updated to include current information about PPD files.

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012