AppleShare 3.0: Using a Users & Groups File on Multiple Servers

I'm setting up several AppleShare 3.0 servers, and I'm having problems copying the Users & Groups File. I have an existing AppleShare 3.0 server up and running with over 100 users and groups in the database. This server is a Macintosh SE/30.

I'd like to use the Users & Groups file on a Macintosh IIci from the Macintosh SE/30 server. I can copy the file without problems. When I open up AppleShare Admin, it shows me the first server's name and asks me for the admin key. After I type the correct admin key, I get a list all of the users and groups. If I quit the Admin application and reopen it, I get the
message, "The Users and Groups file is damaged."

How can I successfully copy the file?
Following are the procedures to use the same Users & Groups file for multiple servers:

1) Install and configure an AppleShare 3.0 server with a complete Users & Groups list.

2) Copy the saved Users and Groups file to a spare floppy disk.

3) Open the Preferences folder, located in the System Folder of the next system to have the server software installed. Drag the Users & Groups file to the Trash. Note: It won't let you delete the file from the Trash, but that's OK.

4) Copy the saved Users & Groups file from the floppy disk to the Preferences folder.

5) Insert the AppleShare 3.0 server disk and double click the installer icon to start the installation.

6) After server installation, you must restart the Macintosh.

7) Start the Admin program to automatically read in and use the saved Users & Groups file. In a short time you'll see the complete Users and Groups lists appear, and you can then proceed with any other specific server administration that you need to do.

You can quit the admin program and relaunch it with no problem. Once you're satisfied with the configuration, you can start the server by double clicking on the server application.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012