Pers LaserWriter LS: Minimal Gain From Memory Upgrade (11/94)

I recently had the RAM in my Personal LaserWriter LS upgraded from 512K to 1MB, and I haven't noticed any performance improvement. When I added RAM to my Texas Instruments MicroLaser printer, there was a definite performance improvement.

What does the RAM upgrade do for the Personal LaserWriter LS?

Upgrading the Personal LaserWriter LS RAM does not provide a quantum improvement in performance because there is no processing capability on the printer I/O board, this is all handled by the computer to which the printer is connected.

The Personal LaserWriter LS I/O board only unbands the image as it is sent from the computer. Adding more RAM allows the printer to accept slightly larger documents.

A better way to improve Personal LaserWriter LS performance is to add RAM to or increase the performance of the computer to which the printer is connected.

Article Change History:
11 Nov 1994 - Reviewed for technical accuracy.

Support Information Services

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012