MacX: Compile Font from BDF File to Make It Usable

We're using MacX with AIX on an RS6000. Our environment includes NDC X
Terminals and PCs running X-Vision from VisionWare. We use WordPerfect on
the RS6000.

Some of the fonts are causing problems. In particular, MacX erroneously
interprets lines as bogus characters. Here is an example of a font

bld17.500.snf -ibm--bold-r-block--23-16-100-100-m-110-ibm-pc850

Does Apple have anything that corresponds to these fonts? How do we map
in to them?

Apparently, the MacX client is requesting a font that doesn't exist in the
MacX server.

We suggest the following:

- Use software called "snftobdf" to convert an SNF (Server Natural Format)
file into a BDF (Bitmap Distributed Format) file.

- After converting the file to Bitmap Distributed Format, compile it by
Font Directory under MacX. It will produce a font in a format the MacX
server can use. For more detailed information on how to compile a BDF
file within MacX, see page 101 of Apple MacX User's Guide, "Compiling
fonts from BDF files."

You must store all available fonts in the MacX Fonts folder, and the MacX
Fonts folder must reside either in the System Folder or in the same folder
as the MacX application.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012