Remote Access supports only the AppleEvents from the required suite:
- Open Application
- Open Document
- Quit Application
It doesn't support Print Document because AppleTalk Remote Access doesn't have a print option.
After installing AppleTalk Remote Access, if you launch Remote Access without configuring Remote Access Setup, a dialog box appears asking if you would like to do so. At that point, AppleTalk Remote Access sends the Finder an "Open" Remote Access Setup AppleEvent.
As an alternative, you may want to use the AppleTalk Remote Access Application Programming Interface (API). It would be possible to have your application access the API directly, or to have your application send an AppleEvent to a program that accesses the API directly.
Details of the API external reference specifications are available from APDA in the AppleTalk Remote Access Developer's Toolkit. Part number R0128LL/A.