System 7: Use CMS SCSI Utility INIT 7.0.2e or Later

I have a Macintosh PowerBook 140 with an internal hard drive running system
software version 7.0.1. I am trying to connect a Syquest SCSI removable
drive running CMS SCSI Utility 5.6, but the Syquest drive will not start

I had the same problem with the Syquest drive when I tried to connect it to
a Macintosh PowerBook 170; however, the Syquest drive works fine with my
Macintosh II and Macintosh IIfx.

CMS Enhancements has a new CMS SCSI Utility INIT (7.0.2e) to use in
conjunction with the CMS SCSI Utility software, which allows a removable
SCSI drive to run on a version 7.0.1 system. Since the Macintosh PowerBook
series require version 7.0.1, I assume that the Macintosh II and IIfx
configurations worked because they have system software versions earlier
than 7.0.1 installed.

Note that CMS Enhancements has released a new version (7.0.2) of the CMS
SCSI Utility software. However, it is not mandatory that you upgrade to
this version because the new CMS SCSI Utility INIT 7.0.2e is backward
compatible with other versions of the utility software.

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Published Date: Feb 18, 2012