A Material Safety Data Sheet is an occupational safety and health document. State and federal law requires the manufacturer, importer, and distributor of any chemical substance used in a workplace to provide Material Safety Data Sheets along with the first shipment of that substance. The law also requires employers that use chemical substances to keep the MSDS on file and train employees in their use. An MSDS contains physical, chemical, and health- and safety-related information about the chemical substance.
The law does not require MSDS for everything used in a workplace setting. For example, you will not find MSDS for your pencils or pencil sharpeners. The law exempts any "article" that does not release hazardous substances under conditions of normal use from the MSDS requirements.
Despite this legal exemption, some companies routinely demand MSDS for everything they buy. In some companies, provision of MSDS is a standard purchasing contract term. To satisfy this demand, some of our vendors (but not all) routinely prepare MSDS for whatever they make and are available for the asking.
Apple maintains a list of MSDS for Apple Printer cartridges at:
Laser Printers: http://www.apple.com/about/environment/use/msds/laserprinters.html
Ink-jet Printers: http://www.apple.com/about/environment/use/msds/inkjetprinters.html
If the MSDS for the product you own is not listed at the Web addresses above, contact Apple technical support for information on availability.