PowerBook Fax Sender: Configure Receiving Fax to Print Header

The Fax/Data Modem for the PowerBooks doesn't allow the receive modem to date stamp the top of the page as other fax machines do when they send faxes. After testing it here I've come to the conclusion that this has to be something in the software and not the fax itself that is dropping this date stamp from the top of the page.

Depending upon how a fax machine is configured:

- It can generate a header, which may include the date and time as a part
of the fax image it sends, or

- Automatically print a header on the fax image it receives.

The PowerBook Fax Sender software doesn't include a header in the fax it generates. It does however send its Station ID. It's the responsibility of the receiving fax machine to shape and include it in the fax image it prints. The receiving fax machine needs to be configured to do this.

So, if you have your fax machine configured to generate headers on sent faxes but not on received ones, this would explain why you aren't seeing headers printed on faxes received from PowerBooks.

Support Information Services

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012