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Tag: Apple Prodos

Apple IIe games: 4am’s and Alex’s ProDOS Collections on my Apple IIe Card

There has been a lot of work in the Apple II community to port Apple DOS games to ProDOS, with the Apple IIe Card‘s ability to support multiple 32Meg partitions (up to 4 at the same time), I wanted to share the steps I use to get the 4am’s Total Replay Collection and the Alex’s ProDOS game bundle on to my LC475 with my Apple IIe card.


Apple IIe Card: Using an Apple IIe Emulator Card in your 68k Macintosh

Figure 1: Apple IIe Card

Back in the early 2000s I managed to buy a couple of Apple IIe PDS cards (at a price far less then they go for now).   Over the years I’ve learned several tricks for how to use these cards as a way of bridging the old Apple II systems, through a classic Macintosh to modern systems.   A lot of what I’ve discovered is less useful now with things like ADTPro, and FloppyEMU, but I’ve decided to start documenting what I’ve discovered in case someone else is setting up one of these cards.