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Macintosh LC 630 DOS: MIDI modification

When I originally purchased my LC 630 DOS I had assumed that I could connect a MIDI adapter to the Joystick port like I could for my old PC, but after some reading I found out that wasn’t the case. Luckily someone discovered that you can get MIDI out by directly connecting to pin 30 of the Vibra 16 chip on the DOS compatibility card’s sound card on their Macintosh PPC 6100/66 system, and I believe that the same type of modification can be done for the LC 630 (to be determined, will update after it is done).

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Midi: Roland MT-32 Midi emulation for a 68k Macintosh

I’ve always had a soft spot for the Sierra quest series, LucasArt and similar games of the 80s and early 90s. Recently I dug them out again to play on in DosBOX with MUNT (Roland MT-32 emulator) enabled to hear the amazing (for the time) orchestrated music. As part of setting up MUNT on my PC I discovered that you can also send MIDI music to MUNT via a USB connection, so I thought, why not see if I can use my laptop as an emulated MT-32 for my LC 475 mac. These instructions should also work for a real MT-32 or CM-32L system.

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